Question 3:12 What Cause The Commutator Or Slipring Patina? 


The patina is a complex composition. The colour on the surface of the commutator, which is called the ''patina'',''Film'' or "skin'' is mainly copper oxide which forms on the commutator surface by a combination of temperature, oxygen, copper, graphite and other free particles.


This oxide layer is very thin, approximately 100 times thinner than a human hair. Even though a good skin is in fact harder than the copper commutator material, it can be easily penetrated or damaged and is really quite complex. It is changing all the time with some things building it up while others are destroying it.


Since correct brush operation depends on it, this patina or skin must be treated with extreme care and respect during maintenance. Every care should be taken to protect a good patina.


Carbon Brush Face Analyser Charts indicate good commutator conditions however in practice many commutators have operated for many years with a less than ideal appearance. Provided the brush and commutator wear is within normal limits then action to try and achieve the ideal appearance may be pointless.


Question 3:13 Is It Good To Let A Motor Run On No Load?



The information has been drawn from experience of Morganite Taiwan Limited Application Specialists combined with a wide range of published information from major carbon supplier and motor manufacture. However, the material can not be downloaded, copied or used without written permission.

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