Question 2:1 How Are Carbon Brushes Made?

Some specific copper graphite and resin bonded brushes are pressed to size and come out as a fully formed brush complete with the flexible connection lead. Then majority of brushes however are cut and shaped from blocks of raw material and the features and dimensions of the brush are produced in a manufacturing plant developed for that purpose.

The flexible connection lead (shunts or pigtails) are connected to the brush body by two main methods.

:1 Tamped Connections

The flexible copper lead is placed in a specially prepared hole and fine copper, iron or graphite powder is compacted around the lead in a specific way that ensure a virtually solid bond between the carbon ban copper lead. The top of the "tamp" is sealed off to prevent corrosion or loss of powder from the tamped connection. This is the preferred method of lead connection for normal applications.


:2 Riveted Connections

The flexible lead is looped around a cooper rivet fitted into a prepared recess and the rivet flared over to hold pressure between the lead and the carbon surface. While this method is used mainly for economy in large volume production it can also be used for thin brushes where the material is too soft to be tamped. It can also have the advantage of increasing the usable length of the brush because the tamped connection will usually be deeper into the brush than the position of a riveted connection.



Question 2:2 What Information Is Needed By A Brush Manufacture To Make a Brush?




The information has been drawn from experience of Morganite Taiwan Limited Application Specialists combined with a wide range of published information from major carbon supplier and motor manufacture. However, the material can not be downloaded, copied or used without written permission.

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